It was Matt and Megan's magical 8th birthday this year, and to kick off the month of December they were baptized on Saturday December 5th. It was a very busy and special day. To start off we had a Christmas party on Rich's side of the family, with Mom and John combining both of their families together for a big party! We ate good food, listened to my nieces perform Christmas songs, and then had a grand entrance from you know who SANTA CLAUS!!! All the kids were super excited to sit on Santa's lap, all except for Bailee she wanted nothing to do with him, and she just cried when we put her on his lap!! She is quite the character!!!
After the Christmas party, we came home and got ready for Matt and Megan's baptism. It's a little crazy getting everyone ready, and making sure I have extra dry items for after the baptism. As we were sitting in the chapel waiting for the baptism service to start, Rich comes and tells me that he forgot an extra pair of garments to wear for after the baptism. Nice timing Rich! ha ha Luckily, his brother Rob came back to our house and grabbed an extra pair of garmentsfor him. It was a special experience to watch two of my kids enter the waters of baptism together on the same day. I think it has been over 100 years since we have had any twins on either sides of our families, so this was an extra neat occasion. We had great family and friend support, and Matt and Megan were so excited to follow their Savior, and be baptized and confirmed members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. We had another get together following the baptism at my parents home, and ate more yummy food and dessert. Thanks to my Mom and sisters for the soups they made, and their help in putting this dinner together. You are Awesome!!! Matt and Megan were so brave on Sunday that they got up all by themselves and bore their testimony's. They did such a wonderful job! I am so proud of them, and the smart, talented, great kids they are. Although, having twins is double the work, it has also been double the JOY!!!! I am so grateful for all the blessings that the Lord has blessed me with, especially for the beautiful children he has given me the opportunity to raise. I'm grateful for this time of year, and for the opportunity to reflect a little more intently on all that the Savior has personally done for me! I love you all, and hope that you are enjoying this special time of year with your families. I hope to be a little bit better about blogging more frequently this coming year!
Merry Christmas!!!!
p.s. My pictures are a little out of order.
Matt and Megan with Grandma & Grandpa Bailey & Great Grandma W.
Family pic before Matt and Megan's baptism ordinances.
What a neat day. How fun for the twins to share such a special day!
Jeana, That was a great post. Our family really wanted to come to the Christmas party that Gloria and John hosted. Our grandkids would have loved seeing Santa. I'm hopeing that maybe they'll do it again next year and some of us can make it.
Congrats to your darling twins. Our Collin was baptized this last september. It was wonderful they spirit was so strong.
Glad I checked your blog to see if you had written anything. PS. I don't have your address so I'll wish you a very Merry Christmas on your blog......Love you guys
Aunt Donna
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